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Landcruiser Freezebrain VDJ 70 Series (Not the 4cyl) AC Amplifier 88650-60G20 upgraded replacement



Looking for colder air con on your Cruiser? We’ve made our own plug and play replacement AC Amplifier that lowers your evaporator temperature by 5 degrees.

The AC Amplifier is what Toyota call the air con controller and the factory unit limits the evaporator temperature to around 6-7 deg. With the Freezebrain installed your air conditioner will allow you to adjust your AC dial all the way down to 1 degree!

The Freezebrain retains all the stock controls and functionality, 100% plug and play.

Super easy to install, the hardest bit is finding your 10mm socket. The AC Amp is behind the passenger speaker, unbolt it, unclip the end of the housing, slide out the Toyota controller and slide ours in.

We added led’s to help you diagnose air con faults and also added an idle control switch which lets you keep the idle up slightly as if the compressor was on, even when it’s not. This can be really helpful for keeping the alternator charge up at idle.

Full installation and operation instructions are in the box.

DOES NOT FIT THE 2.8L 70 Series

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 27 × 22 × 8 cm


Experience the performance of a GTurbo

  • UP TO 150%

    Increase in Power
  • 50%-200%

    Increase in Torque
  • 2%-10%

    Increase in Fuel Economy


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